
ICA-AML Training

As part of its mandate in ensuring the development of the standard of practice within the financial services industry in Seychelles, the FSA, in collaboration with the International Compliance Associations (“ICA”) conducted its second compliance course enrollment for the year 2018, which is the certificate in Anti-Money Laundering (“AML”).

A one-day workshop for the certificate was held at the Guy Morel Institute on the 14th November, 2018 by Mr. Jonathan Bowdler, the head of Regulatory Compliance at the International Compliance Training (“ICT”), and was attended by numerous participants from the financial services industry.

The ICA certificate in AML aims at providing participants with an introductory understanding into the money laundering and terrorist financing challenges faced by financial institutions, and equip these participants with the knowledge of international best practice initiatives that will assist them in combating these challenges.

The ICA certificate in AML is subsequent to the certificate in Compliance undertaken early during the year, and the FSA expect to conduct further training for the year 2019 to ensure that the industry is provided with the necessary tools and skills for a more efficient delivery in their work place.

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