
Financial Sector Conduct Authority (FSCA) Familiarisation Training

The FSCA conducted a familiarisation programme on 21st – 23rd November 2018, in Pretoria, South Africa. Of which two FSA staff attended. The familiarisation was mainly focused on Consumer Financial Education programmes currently being implemented by the FSCA’s Consumer Education Department. The FSCA places great emphasis on projects concerning financial awareness, whereby they have developed various financial awareness projects targeting different market niches within the financial market.


The programme was brought about so that other countries in Africa can have an understanding of the developments in financial consumer education achieved by the FSCA in South Africa. In addition, the FSCA wanted to share with the participants a breakdown of the different projects they currently have in place and developing, and what are the achievements and downfalls they have faced over the years. Furthermore, the aim was to explain and educate the participants on how to go about with developing and implementing such projects and how to monitor and evaluate its effectiveness.

On the last day of the familiarisation programme, the participants went to visit a township where the FSCA was implementing a financial consumer education project for boys aged 12 – 13 years on the importance of saving money and the numerous way they can do so.

The programme was an opportunity to educate other regulators on how to better understand and develop their financial consumer education projects and how best to implement it so that it reaches the wider population in an efficient and effective manner.


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