Complaints Handling

Complaints Handling

The Authority is obliged to recognize the need for transparency and fairness.

In this regard, the Complaints Handling Guideline document establishes the procedure that the Authority will follow, upon receiving a complaint against a licensee and any other specified entities under the regulatory scope of the Authority, and complaints in respect to the way in which the Authority has carried out its functions.

For the purposes of this guidelines “complaint” means any expression of dissatisfaction about;

  1. the manner in which the Authority has carried out its functions;

  2. the conduct of the Authority’s management, employees or persons acting on its behalf in the purported exercise of such functions; and

  3. complaints connected with the operations or management of licensees.

It is mandatory for complainants to fill in the below Complaints Handling Form before any complaint is investigated by the Authority. All mandatory fields indicated on the form must be completed.


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Note: All submissions of supporting documents that are not in English must be accompanied by the relevant English translations.

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By submitting this complaint form, I understand that I am making a request for an investigation of this matter by the Financial Services Authority (FSA) and I hereby consent for the FSA to relay or seek necessary information from relevant parties to enable the conduct of its enquiries relating to this complaint. I declare that all information provided on the pages of this form and on any pages that I attach hereto are true and factual to the best of my knowledge. I further understand that if I have knowingly, intentionally or willfully made false statements or intentional misrepresentations, I may be subjected to the penalties for offences in accordance to section 43(1) of the Financial Services Authority Act 2013.

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